Sunday, June 23, 2024

Lord's searchlight


It’s a rapidly greying, gloomy world

and the Lord has to hide and peep

through a hole

—a thin sunbeam through a hole in clouds—  

to spot any trace of

truth and honesty

that may be lying around.

Owning the entire self


Here I own my entire identity;

no need to just run after

fractions of myself that are

eulogized as pathways to the ultimate.

It might be that this ‘I’ in me

breeds my wickedness,

But doesn’t it sire

my art, writing, music and painting?

A little bit of goodness


Basically, the main recipe of the dish

involves dishonesty and fraud,

The so-called honesty

is just a tiny ingredient

used as a spice while frying.

But however bad the times are,

the table full of rogue, fake, swindled dishes

won’t be serviceable

if not for those tiny sprinklers of honesty,

That’s the power of honesty and goodness,

Its little molecule can carry

mountain loads of lies and deceit.

Big Brother


Big Brother,

O thou mighty cult leader,

I’m afraid you ‘rule’, not ‘serve’,

You majestically float

above the ground realities

and cast a shadow

which clouds our minds

with downsizing rhetoric, jingoism,

ideologies and vain principles,

No wonder, we turn blind followers

and lose ‘independence of thought

and spontaneity of action’,

Our collective mind gets primed

for a doctored reality

where you turn the ultimate savior.

I’m not surprised that

you have an inherent distaste

for free thinkers, intellectuals,

artists and philosophers,

You just hate anyone

who doesn’t fit in the

the mold of your doctored reality.



Amid the burning sands of June,

when a koel sings a sweet song,

it’s nothing but mother earth’s

pining melody to cajole father sky

into clouds of emotions and precipitation,

He then embraces her

with his showery arms.

And smoldering in this heat,

dear reader,

here we wait for the monsoons.  

Some soup of peace in a solitary bowl


Here I stand on the edge

of a stony ledge

and look into the calm vastness

filled in this small bowl

of a little valley,

There is guileless silence,

I look with enormous wonderment,

Here the knots and blots of

forbidden intimacies open up,

and twisted love becomes peace.

A little stream flows

with astounding fluidity,

The sun marveling at

its own exquisite, ripply reflection

in a little pool,

Silence and peace

hung between timidity and cordiality,

Languorous sky imbued with solemnity,

And a lone lark

keeping  a solitary vigilance

over this unruffled, calm and gentility

in a little corner

far away from all

noise, wars, tantrums and fights.

The cost of love


The foaming sea of memories

swashing on the

hot beach of my heart,

carrying infinite illusions

on the muleback,

Her beauty’s fireworks keeping alive

the youthful torrents of love

even in a greying head,

Caught in the throbs of love and longing,

Mired in endless suffocating tedium

following the ephemeral splendor,

sumptuous ceremonies

and celebrations of fresh love,

here I plod like a luckless ass

sinking into the quicksands of pain.

Aah, the barbarous vacillations of time!

My persona mined with pain

born of the love that was lost,

Misery pulling me with abominable longing,

I walk with faltering strides,

She is still there

as a mirage on the burning sands,

Smiling, drawing me further

into the barren innards of the desert,

where there is no water,

hope, flower or trees,

This is the cost

she still demands for our shared past.