Saturday, February 8, 2025

The subsurface chaos


We believe we know a person

till some happening

finds us staring at a stranger,

All familiarity gone,

Because it’s hard to have a sense of

the vast expanses of the unknown

hidden inside a person.

You may have heard a million words

from a mouth,

but we are also full of

trillions of unspoken words,

You may have seen tons of smiles

on a charming face,

but these hide rivers of tears as well,

You are acquainted with love

but it swims like a thin layer of oil

on deep waters of hate and pain,

Beyond the familiar stale stimulation of

superfluous comfort,

there is a stealthy man-whore

prowling in the shadows of love,

Beyond the lovely musical whispers

emanating from beautiful lips,

maybe there is a scream

imprisoned in the curvy lithe body;

vibrating inside,

looking for a way out.

As you play at the level of body,

don't forget the pain locked inside the soul,--

the epicenter ready to unleash earthquake

upon the outer shell,

Because below the apparent stable crust

there are thrusting, shifting plates.

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