Thursday, February 13, 2025

A wealthy corpse


The tattoo maker

working with quiet persistence,

Tattooed a label on the heart,

which turned a quagmire,

a trapping swamp.


Life then became a mere

undoing operation managed by death

to relieve the struggler of his pain

and carry him home

as a very rich man,

who returns with all treasures

unspent during the journey.


He died very rich,

For he still possessed

all that he was born with,

He now lay like a foolish farmer

who kept all his seeds

safely hidden in his barn,

Never took them to the fields,

Never opened them to the sun’s smile,

In musty darkness they rot now,

Life seeped out,

Hopes and possibilities bleached,

And gloom settles on the corpse

like crows crunching a dry carrion.


It was a life unspent,

Just like a tiny rodent

merely crawled on a plywood sheet,

while wasted were the seeds

that would’ve made him an elephant

joyfully stomping on solid earth.

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