Sunday, October 25, 2009

8. Journey with the Autumn

Autumn, become my friend,

Thou holding my hand,

Take me through windfalls,

So that worry I not about my own tree’s calls.

The tree where summer’s ripenings,

Too fruity, heavy for branch’s likings,

The air through their fall singth,

While, thou make me follow thy greyish path.

‘See not thy own windfalls’,

Thou say, dodging thy falls,

And push me from my tree,

So that I become mourn-free

And the autumn path brownish,

Summer’s warmth vanish

Joyfully from fruits, leaves,

Vow! Fairy for its beauty not grieves.

Happily I run with thee,

Away! Away! Where another season be,

Where a tree, glee with fruits more,

Where the frigidity opens its springy door.

9. Alas, The Orchid Too Far!

Rising rays fell upon a dream,

Shining future got flowerly glown,

And expectations windily blown,

Nobody, meanwhile, listened destiny’s scream.

How painfully he nourished that dream!

The sweaty toil to nurture

And water the bud for flowery future,

How rugged the chosen path seem !

The path to that

Lush green orchard,

For whom he went diehard,

While, the fate chuckling for a bet.

Went flowerly on the path,

Following the flower of life,

Alas, the ‘predetermined’ preparing its knife,

To cut the bud for its bloody bath.

Reached he when there,

With his feet all bloodied,

The bud lay already buried,

And the orchid gone for cemetry’s bare.

God, why sincerest efforts fail?

Perhaps, victory too loses

To huge efforts, which give it repeated bruises,

The unsung heroes, whom it doth hail.

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