Thursday, March 6, 2025

Romancing with freedom


Don’t make yourself small

by chasing the shadows

that were never yours,

If the shadows are all that

you can chase,

let these by your own

instead of blindly following others’

for petty gains and conveniences,

Because in chasing your own shadows,

you are still near the axis of your being

and open to redemption one fine day.


It’s advisable to carry the hefty weight

of your own dead dreams

instead of floating in the

webs of others’ dreams and desires,

Crawl on the ground

o thou dung beetle

instead of flying like a glowworm

in the darkness of others’ hearts.

Monday, March 3, 2025

The empty canvas


Your absence

is like a vast presence;

like the sky,

Pervading and high,--

the endless canvas of one

overarching attachment

in which minor attachments,

desires and little heartbreaks

drift like tiny clouds,

The floating signs

of all lesser attachments,

They spring up,

float and drift away,

As if these are your offspings,

You the queen attachment,

The vast sky;

the great emptiness

that remains despite all attempts

to fill it with multiple rainbows.

The crippled


We have broken limbs

in our soul,

We are always looking

for a cast and sling

in the form of

special people in life,--

family, friends, lovers,

The cushion support,

The eternal need for soft bonds

to deal with stony realities.

Rebuilding and reconstruction


It’s only about putting stitches

on the gaping wound,

rebuilding the broken walls;

hiding the tears behind a smile;

and trying to convince oneself

that all is well,

And keep believing in hope and life

despite the creeping shadows of

death, disorder, pain and suffering.



You arrive at her door

and it’s like

a fresh whiff of air,

You leave feeling

her sad sigh on your back.

Then there is a mysterious

realignment in her heart,

And neither your arrival

nor your departure

holds and significance

like it did earlier.



Her smile giving a voice

to his rainbow of emotions,

No wonder,

those were

his most lively moments.

Wonders of heart


Heart is the master transformer,

Today it’s a scented flower for someone,

But tomorrow it might be

a stone for that very same person.