Yanked off the hinges,
Torn away and blown to pieces,
Buried under the rubble,
Cut off from the rays of hope,
Dark clouds of locusts
devouring the crop of my effort.
Pacing the room like a caged animal,
Destiny’s chainsaws
cutting, clawing and gnawing
through the fibers of my existence.
Carrying autumnal colors in spring,
The serrated edges of memories
cutting the structure of my world,
The ghosts of sadness outside
always ready to barge into me.
That was how I set out
to kill the demons outside,
Went far and wide,
forgetting those that I carried
in the safe secrecy of my own self.
It was like a dust collector
carrying a huge burlap sack,
Needlessly carting dust
oblivious to gems hidden in heart.
I went too far away
from my own self,
Got lost, cried, felt orphaned,
That’s when I felt Her touch,
Mother nature’s touch,
The furrows on my forehead
smoothened with Her touch,
It was then a slow crawl to recovery,
I felt the chirring, buzzing mystery
of emptiness around a rainbow.
There I stood in a wooded corner,
The time brewed a heady spirit
mixing tears and laughter,--
the potion to mend broken hearts,
The trees smiled among
the twisting vines of triumphs and travails,
Juicy, plentiful harmony pervading the air,
The birds with effervescent chorus of hope,
Each moment extending its realm of
harmony, ease, joy, lightness.
I felt in communion with vastness,
Vast stretches invaded with peace,
I was no longer a lonely lighthouse
struggling against the dark,
I felt like sun during the day
and like moon during the night.
It’s very easy to fall prey to sadness
and become a rock,
But it’s still easier to turn a happy soul
who chats with trees
and sings to flowers.
Far away in the solitude of a forest
I felt closer to humanity
than I ever felt even in a crowded bazaar
rubbing shoulders with human bodies,
There I was lonely, distanced,
Here I was alone
but so-so near to humanity in my heart.
Sharing the unsaid mixed in the silence,
I saw, felt, touched, tasted, heard holy scriptures
in forests, flowers, streams, blue skies, birds,
My religion became life itself,
God and godliness pervading humanly
and non-humanly on this vast canvas.
Reinvigorated, refurbished, renovated,
I then return to the busy streets,
The streets carrying the same old clatter,
But all has changed,
The shield of silence enveloped around
keeps me wired
to that far-flung harmony.
The return of the native
who is in tune with
the undertone of silence
even in a clattering bazaar.
Now I don’t close my eyes
to meditate,
I open them
to see this endless magic,
this infinite beauty.
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