Monday, March 3, 2025

The happy prisoner


Infatuation is a sweet infection,

She getting under your skin,

A sweetly itching bug,

Tingling your skin

to make you feel her presence,--

almost continuously,

The heady, rich scent of her memories

rushing in like luscious spring

after snowy, barren, frozen months.


The heart expanded with love,

Blossomed like a flower,--

an orchard where

the scented flowers of her smiles

kissed the dewy diamonds;

where the ripe fruits of her kisses

dangle with the juicy prospects of

sight, touch, taste, delicious smell.


Her absence

weighing with a heavy presence,

Her smile

spreading the message of love and beauty,

You feel walled in,

sheltered, protected, safe,

Like you are in a rock fort

in her mushy, soft, warm embrace,

Separated and segregated

from the chaos of life.


A beautiful prison

where the love-chained prisoner

becomes a canvas for the

unplanned strokes of nature

weaving a magic,

Painting his own lush and vibrant

image of paradise,

Shaping all pains into hope,

All this while, her image

sweetly dodging

across the chaos of his mind.

A sympathetic halt


The soul of forest goddess

trapped in the charred ruins

of a burnt forest,

Her body ravaged by

the human pride, vanity, greed, lust.


O thou lone journeyman,

Don't just go nonchalantly

through her yowling waves of pain,

Even if you can’t do much,

sit among the ashes in silence,

Because even your unvoiced, kindly presence

with someone crying in pain

is a contributing factor to her healing,

Be there as a witness

to the night’s gentle dewy kiss

on the ashes that were once lovely petals,

Just by doing so

you help and encourage the Phoenix spirit.

Holy nupitals


Life is reaching up to

the sun and sky,

Death is seeking rest

on the bed of mother earth,

Being is settling into

the rhythms of non-being,

While non-being strives to

get the sparkling smile of stars.  

Merry ghosts


The undying fire of memories alive inside,

Smoldering with suffocating smoke,

Sometimes it flares up suddenly,

Throwing pale, flickering light,

Showing moving figures

and shifting shapes creeping like

secretive nocturnal lovers,

All lanced by love,

happily melting into the folds of night

full of rolling mass of pain.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The magic wand


Love in her eyes very obvious,

Overpowering love trampling fears,

His words tingling her heart

to leave it fluttering

with a rainbow of emotions,

His touch unleashing

a galactic storm of passion

across the pores of her skin,

His embrace gathering her

and rooting her into sweet belongingness,

His walk with her

setting a course for a lovely destination,

His look at her

blooming a smile on her lips,

His presence enabling her to flow

into the emptiness in him

and acquire a shape

that fulfills his own form.



Whenever we

misbehave with someone,

we are merely trying to

squelch our bitterness,

Whenever we

pour hate on someone,

we are just throwing sand

on the fire of self-loath,

But when we love someone,

we are uncovering ourselves;

opening a window into our being

for the sunlight to barge in

and flood us with joy and healing,

We open up and receive the grace,

just like a bud opens to be a flower

to be kissed by sunlight and bees.



My feelings molded by social rules,

I dived pretty deep

but still missed her full depth,

Tamed by social trimmings,

my young self represented the old,

But I’d revolt sometime

and the old would represent the young,

A sirasashna for the spirit it would be.