Sunday, February 16, 2025

A gentle sadhna


You have to open your heart

very-very wide to allow

the light of truth sneak in;

the music of divinity pour in;

the fresh spring air of the new reality

blossom up fully in you.

To allow this evolution,

you don’t have to break mountains,

All that’s needed is to be

open-doored and open-hearted.

और ज्यादा खिलना

More blooming. 

It happens when you welcome life 

with the widest bear hug! 

This is expansion! 

Then a playful tug of the gentle air 

will aid in further expansion! 

A drizzle of ecstasy will occur! 

The petals will fly away 

to be a bigger part of a larger dimension!

 The smile doesn't die. 

It acquires a broader plain.


इसको कहते हैं खिलना। 

इतना खिलना की 

बिखरना सिर्फ खिलने का अगला, 

सुखद चरण मात्र बनके रह जाए। 

पूरा खिलने के बाद बिखरना अर्थहीन हो जाता है। 

होने और ना होने के द्वंद के परे है संपूर्णता से होना। 

जियो जीवन भर के, पूरा खिलो। 

पीड़ारहित बिखरना तभी संभव है 

जब आपने खिलने में सब कुछ अर्पित कर दिया हो।

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Breakable hearts


Sometimes love has to act

outside the boundaries of social law,--

the sharply calculating basis

of the customized decree,

And gift oneself the unique commandment;

allowing oneself just pure love,--

awakening into a new self,

an uncustomized, exclusive existence.


Not all hearts are breakable;

only some are,

The unbreakable hearts are the stony forts

for safekeeping falsehood

and debilitating conventions,

It’s the breakable hearts

that have the fluidity and mellowness

to seep and creep

out of the curtailing maze

and give you the gift of a distinctive being

in a fresh, unused cast.

Counterbalanced being


With black and white in the head

and a rainbow in the heart,

weighed down by hate

and uplifted by love,

I feel neither vertical

nor horizontal,

It feels like

being in a different plain.

Love-tangled beings


Sharing love is like sharing roots,--

groping around;

entwined to seek soul’s nourishment

from connections and relationships,

The fine web of existence,

intermingling destinies:

the meeting bodies being the earth;

love the web of their entangled roots;

and their souls are the nourished ones.

The mirror of love


The shine, light and glow from within

peeping through her eyes,

Raising inspiration

to fulfill my dreams,

With fullness of desire in my chest,

if I don’t love myself,

who else will love me?

And if not now, then when?