Saturday, December 21, 2024

The gardener


You left and I stayed

in the lovely orchard we’d built,

The garden, flowers, fruits, leaves,

where the soul now grieves,

Memories scattered around like

an autumnal drizzle of leaves,

And me like a gardener

hoeing, pruning, spading,

Working to bloom spring flowers in autumn,

Trying to undo the fall,--

the autumn that permanently

descended and sat upon the orchard,

Coloring it with yellow-brown colors of fall,--


Toils where the gardener of springs

in an autumn-possessed orchard.

The green leaf


Why be ashamed and apologetic

about what you are?

Why try to be a fraction of your full self

to fit in the mold of others?

To gather fake sense of security,

it needs lots of explanation and effort,

By being a fraction of yourself,

you are like a fragile leaf on the ground,

lying there to be broken under others’ boots,

But by being your full self,

you become a green leaf on a high branch,

soaking sunrays,

kissing the dew,

and swaying to the free breeze.

Evolution at my cost


I’d come closer by an inch

and you’d step back by a mile,

An inch of reclaim

paid with a mile of declaim,

More inches breeding more miles,

You vanishing towards the horizon,

Then gone,

Then your memories would recede

in the same proportion and manner,

That’s how time and space grow,

That’s how this cosmos expands,--

at my cost.

The knight of life: love


A mysterious longing

smolders through the day

and burns at night,

An exciting anticipation,

An unsparing desire,

The pores of your skin

humming with excitement.


A feeling of remarkable audacity,

which makes you unbothered about the

usual jostle and hustle of life,

Something looks straight into your eyes,

And you flinch, get tamed and surrender

to a gleaming, flashy star.


Your identity gets focused

in the chaos and hubbub of life,

You stand apart,

It even makes you feel proud,

even haughty,

to own this exclusive excitement,

You slyly smile,

A warmth spreads through you,

Melts the clods of uneasiness,

Overpowers your molecules of ego.


You flow,

You enter a spring,

A celebration begins,

Almost a rebirth and renewal,

You kiss the new sprouts,

You appreciate the flowers,

You feel the breeze on your skin,

Your eyes see the beauty around,

Your soul feels the all-pervading love

when your heart gets a sweet shove

at the mere look of your dearest dove.

Crowded loneliness


We are basically

a very lonely species,

Loneliness pervades our being,

Maybe we love being lonely,

And to keep its bitter-sweet charm,

we allow interruption to our loneliness

through love, affection, friendship, relationships,

But we know we have to

get back to be lonely again,

We are ready to pay the costs for it,

We squander away love and friendships

to buy our next installment of loneliness.

Blinding the self


Mostly, we are viewing ourselves

in terms of what we are not

and what we couldn’t become,

In this way,

we are simply repulsing life,

We deny our very own little reality,

our existence,

our life,

our twinkling little puddle

under the starlight,

We ignore the wild flowers

that offer consolation

if we had given them a little bit

more than a cursory look.

An exit


The conveyor belt of pain

carrying the weighty stones of despair,

The bond of happiness dry and dead,

Soul aching with sorrow, anger, even guilt,

Body’s cells colonized by fear,

Going alone and forlorn,

Feeling resentment against a world

where everyone seemed to have worked out

how to be successful and happy,

Everyone except himself.


Slowly receding from all possibilities of life,

Silently stepping into the pool of non-existence,

Taking a revenge against life

by retreating from its false promise,--

the lollipop of hope,

Presuming life had been repulsing him

by burning and charring his aspirations

not only of fame and grandeur, but even

the little things that come naturally to everyone

whether they seek these or not.


His eyes like tall arched windows,

Face like a weather-beaten, mossy stone façade,

Body like an ancient battered brick structure,

A shattered star being sucked by a black hole,

Utterly frightened of life,

while all along he imagined

himself to be scared of death,

Haunted by the feeling of being incomplete,

Full of regrets for not being able to

welcome life as one should,

And that in a way

was an invitation to death.


Regrets constantly chiming in his chest,

The chances he squandered brimming his mind,

clouding him,

turning him blind to

the options and choices that had been beckoning,

trying to draw his attention.


Now, to forget the fear of life,

he decides to die.

A suicide.

A shameful exit.