Monday, November 25, 2024

The master juggler


Memories are trapped in soul

because time is circular,

It spins, circles

and creates a web;

a cage around our being,

It has a fine thread

to weave its web,--

past, present and future,

Like a master performer,

it juggles these three balls,

Keeps them in the play

in its two hands:

the known and the unknown;

fear and safety;

life and death.


Past, present and future

keep searing through us

at their own free will,

No wonder, we live life

in mere fragments,--

hope-despair, love-hate,

dreams-reality, tears-smiles.


We are fragments,

And we flow for

completion, contentment and rest,

Like water running

from the hills to the sea,

We are imperfections

seeking perfection,

Pushing, colliding, mixing,

adding, subtracting,--

the mathematics of life

to solve the puzzle of our existence;

to give it a purpose, a solution.


Time meanwhile nullifies all equations,

The biggest equation summing to zero,

The kings vanish,

The dictators mingle to dust,

The castles turn to leveled ground,

All fractions (big and small)

fly and then hit the bottom

and get mixed in the same soil,

Only time remains,

It chuckles in its totality

from among the cosmic web.  

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