Friday, September 29, 2023

Ode to an autumnal full moon

A full moon,
shining like the sun on a joyful noon,
on this autumnal night,

What a wonderous sight!
The milky rays,
Whispers through them divinity and says,
'Sleep thou my child
after the daylong hankering wild!'
The darkness is lit,
The milky rays even sneak a bit
into my tired, resting heart,
and stroke to life some sleeping art,
creating a smile on my dreamy face,
A glow, a hope, a new dream's trace,
Its lovey, soft fingers brace
with a caring lover's grace,
The pain gone,
after a soft mumbling and sleepy moan,
The full moon just for me shone.

The milky, translucent nectar
filtering through a veil of dewy mist,
It assuages, alleviates the pain
born of dreams broken
still tightly held in my fist, 
The shattered love pieces
held in my grasp like gems,
The glassy shattered pieces
still cut the flesh on my grasping palm,
and the heart finding this sweet pain a balm.

The night jasmine is all abloom,
all fragrant with a seductive smile,
And darkness hiding in little corners
with a predatory guile,
All and everything relaxed
after crossing another mile,
With dreams of repeating the same
with the coming new sun's fame.

Some lone lark,
fighting its sorrowful dark,
lets loose a pining song
finding its loneliness too long,
The sadly sweet notes awaken me
and ask me to be
a witness of their melodious litigation
in the final court for some mitigation.

The full moon on a misty night,
and the lark's song of sorrowful delight. 

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