Once the storms are over,
the motherly ray comes down
to kiss and heal!!
Without poetic seed there won't be prose. The entire network of branches, twigs, flowers, fruits and leaves is nothing but a commentary on the small poetic seed. So all ye wannabe writers, nurture the poet in you, who understands the value of pause in life, who moves slowly to watch everything, sight and smell everything. Brushstrokes of poetry softly touch the soul without disrupting its restful muse and bring out nuggets of love, compassion, harmony and peace. All content © Sandeep Dahiya
The winter has'n brutal and harsh,
And my struggle turned almost a farce,
Lost all my leaves,
With loss my soul grieves,
Still not all is lost,
For greenish life finds a host
in the wheat at my feet,
They pay a respectable greet,
My loss and my pain
doesn't go in vain,
Tumbled down as my leaf
with pain and grief,
Blossom thousands around,
Wheatlings like daughters doth surround,
Fell where my tear,
Many a smile this earth doth bear,
Doesn't go waste my pain,
Sows it the prospects of gain,
If not for me,
Definitely for thee!
There stands the defeated man,
Lines of worry etched on his face,
Blizzards pelting the petals
of the flower of his fate,
The sun setting in the eyes,
The light fading out
and the night settling
as dark circles under the eyes,
Almost ground into dust by destiny,
Tension unspooling in his gut,
The ravenous flames of nightmares
chasing him even during the sunlit day.
In the pit of dark,
all he needed was her sympathy,
but never pity,
And this still surviving
streak of confidence and self-worth
seemed arrogance to her,
It opened a chasm between them,
which won’t be closed by
pity or angry words
or even attempts at fake lovemaking.
Don’t make yourself small
by chasing the shadows
that were never yours,
If the shadows are all that
you can chase,
let these by your own
instead of blindly following others’
for petty gains and conveniences,
Because in chasing your own shadows,
you are still near the axis of your being
and open to redemption one fine day.
It’s advisable to carry the hefty weight
of your own dead dreams
instead of floating in the
webs of others’ dreams and desires,
Crawl on the ground
o thou dung beetle
instead of flying like a glowworm
in the darkness of others’ hearts.
Your absence
is like a vast presence;
like the sky,
Pervading and high,--
the endless canvas of one
overarching attachment
in which minor attachments,
desires and little heartbreaks
drift like tiny clouds,
The floating signs
of all lesser attachments,
They spring up,
float and drift away,
As if these are your offspings,
You the queen attachment,
The vast sky;
the great emptiness
that remains despite all attempts
to fill it with multiple rainbows.
We have broken limbs
in our soul,
We are always looking
for a cast and sling
in the form of
special people in life,--
family, friends, lovers,
The cushion support,
The eternal need for soft bonds
to deal with stony realities.
It’s only about putting stitches
on the gaping wound,
rebuilding the broken walls;
hiding the tears behind a smile;
and trying to convince oneself
that all is well,
And keep believing in hope and life
despite the creeping shadows of
death, disorder, pain and suffering.