Thursday, February 20, 2025

The creeper


Feelings entwining, mingling,

twisting around each other,

holding out tendrils like creepers,

grasping each other’s soft stalks,

Like vines to soar higher.

To merge, to seep,

to crash into each other,

like sea waves on a beach.

Flowing together

to become something nobler;

to feel one’s presence

through the other.

The tired tailor


The tired tailor,

Working on a short man’s coat

stolen by a tall man,

Laboring to make it fit the thief.


The tired tailor,

Working to mend a thin man’s coat

falling in the hands of a fat man,

Striving to cover naked corpulence

with little strip of cloth.


God the struggling tailor,

Fixing the misfits,

A tired and worn out tailor!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The robbers


Those who can’t create,

they believe in destruction,

They don’t do much,

They create destruction at the most,

They rob others

of their rights to creativity.

The shop of love


Love at the spectrum’s lower end

would need something in return,--

a sweet-sour worldly barter,

But it’s still love,

the base model though.

Love at the spectrum’s upper end

would want nothing in return,

It just is,

Just selfless giving;

the top model;

pristine, pure, pricey.



You have already paid a big price

by being a woman

in a male-dominated world,

You then accept your status

of being under debt forever,

So you keep repaying your debts

in bits and pieces

on a daily basis

till your last breath.



Love is solid in the bones;

fluid in blood;

airy fresh in breath;

tingling in touch on the skin;

sweet in smile on the lips;

tasty in words on the tongue;

light and hope in the eyes;

and lots of flowers

in the garden of heart.

The pathless path


Creating a path to God,

Flying like a bird

facing no barriers of

boundaries, brawls, rituals, sectarianism,--

the pathless path,

The path always there

but not visible till you move on it,

Like the path in the air

that was always there

but didn’t manifest

till some bird took

a joyful sorties in its airy swirls.