Dripping with grace and glee,
Almost a rain of sweetness,
Full of sadness and beauty,
This tiny grove dripping with
mystical indulgence and pleasure,
Shaping its own self
for a better world for others.
Here my frozen identity,
—curated with fear-born care—
starts twirling with a buzzing audacity
to dismantle the tiffin tiers
of honorific geometry,—
a tiny stack of food for the
little caged beast inside,
And throw it away
with a ballooning distaste
from the edge of the dark pit,
Meanwhile, cheers erupting
from the unchained soul.
Here just the smile of a flower
has the power to turn one hopeful,
Here one need not hide oneself
in a corner
so that guilt won’t reach,
Luminous streaks of some warmth
touch the chords of deepest sadness,
mellowing all arrogance and pretention,
pushing me out from the darkness within
where I’d disappeared
and couldn’t find a way out.
What a great artist it is!
Stripping all falsehoods of their varnish,
Leaving them naked to the core.
Beyond the debate of
accidental or created change,
here the giddying fresh air
fills my lungs with freedom.