Friday, November 22, 2024

Sweet melancholy of love


I’m watching your waves

flooding, crashing, smashing

in my being,

Watching the storm

in the desolate desert,

The sand flying,

Burying one truth,

Shape it into something different

with new ribs,

Only to bury it again,--

the creative whirlpool

in the womb of your soul,

The fierce incubation.


The traveler moving to

reach a subtle treasure,

unbothered of worldly losses,

Witnessing her journey

of rising above and beyond

all that passed through her,

She is equipped with a knife of

contradictory saw-teeth,

Enabling her to cut

the weeds of duality,--

the breeders of pain,

Thus cleansing her path to be a

witness to all that there is,--

to be aware of the knowledge:

that all that is known

is unknown also at the same time.


And as you walk in your desert,

you flame through my being,

like some eternal presence,

to reach the oasis in my heart

for celestial lovemaking,

Drenched with the perspiration of love,

you walk even deeper into my heart,

making me a Sufi,

You are forever

walking nearer in(to) my heart,

while far away on earth you walk.  

A little girl’s love


O thou wonderful woman,

I’m honored

when you share

the innocent purity of a little girl’s

wonderment about emotions

that you felt

in your near-puberty self for me,--

a grown up man at that time,

I’m honored to be the prism

through which you saw the

larger aspects of your womanhood.

It’s like a tiny bud

sharing its story with

the sun, the moon, the dew,

the bees, the flowers and the spring air,--

all that which helped it in blooming.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Sainted wedlock


I’m a free spirit in my own way,

bearing my outer chains all intact,

Then you arrived

as the manifestation of

my free spirit

that knew the possibility

of free love and real freedom.


Your free spirit trapped in its freedom,

But freedom lay still and intact,

trapped within you,

And you proudly proclaim,

‘So many freedoms are

enchained within me!

Aah, how much I’m trapped

in my set of freedoms!’


I see all this by holding you

as a mirror in my life,

This ecstatic insanity

makes me laugh and cry

without any walls between them,

And floating in that tranquility

I need not have your body

to feel you in me.

Exquisite intimacy


I’m feeling you in me,

For I’m never away,

Never really left,

Always watching you in me,

The tornadoes of your being

heave, dance and sing,

On your waves I’m surfing,

You too surfing on the

tidal waves in my heart

like a majestic queen,

All these ripples created by

the exciting uncertainty

of our undefined, free relationship.


You are all spirit

and float in air,

I’m all matter,

running on the ground

to catch your shadow,

You’re the air that doesn’t stop,

Holding your balance through

tantalizing misbalances,

But I’m a poet

and I can keep the shadows of air

in my heart like real things.


Your spirit has to

see the matter

as a milestone on your path,

While the matter has to

hold onto colorful dreams

to rise to a higher dimension.


A poet is a labyrinth,

Wherein only

an unchained spirit like you

can dare to get in.


When I want you,

This itself is my fulfillment,

The distances melt

when I feel

how close you are,

Time stops

when I know here you are,

Right here in my heart.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Love's equation


Love is simply a natural need,

A pleasant sweet-sour greed,

It’s as much the need to take

as is the need to give,--

A sizzling seesaw of give and take

that excitingly shake

our life’s shape

and repackage it

with a new drape,

We have the need

to spread the seed

and fit in humanity’s creed,

We have a need

to beat our fears

with bitter-sweet tears.


We are missing

many things in us

and we need those things

from that sweet someone,

Take it with a right

without judgmental blight,

We also need to give

something that we have,

Give without feeling as a donor,

This give-take is

above the feeling of indebtedness,

Giving here is equal to taking,--

An accounts equation

of the laws of soul,

Giving as good as taking,

We are joyful to give

and equally happy to take.  

Man and Superman


This planet, mother earth,

is one body,

When she is happy

the flowers bloom,

Ravaging floods are her tears,

Green pastures are her skin,

The verdant forests lungs,

Beautiful lagoons and lakes her eyes.


She is joyful, angry, kind,

cruel, healthy, sick,--

all these at her various parts,

Forest fires show her anger,

Spring dews on a rose show her joy,

Fruit-laden trees show her kindness,

Volcanoes catapult her seething anger,

She flaunts her health

in pristine rainforests,

She shows her sickness and famished body

through deserts and ribbed sand dunes.


It’s a living entity,

Your very own Goddess mother

holding you on her palm,

Why seek godliness

far away in the cosmos?

It’s right here around you,

in you, in her,

Sadly we can’t see

what is already at home

and faraway we roam

looking for clues to divinity,

But all this while we just

walk away from it.


There is an imprint of godliness

in you, trees, ocean, flowers, snows, birds;

in everything,

Own it, accept it,

When we talk of seeking bigger truth,

we have a vision of the sum total

of our own tiny ones,

When we talk of godliness,

we mean our own humanness,

So stop, pause, rest, relax

and feel the super-reality

with your own super-self,

It’s in you, around you, just nearby,

Worship this home deity,--

our very own mother earth,

You’ll have paradise here only,

The unknown milestones of the afterlife

will blossom and manifest here only.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Open treasures


Read the colors in a rainbow,

It’s an open book,

See how the colors melt into each other

and make a pathway for dreams

across the endless cosmic terrain.


Pick up a flower that has

happily dropped on mother’s altar,

Smell it if it’s smell to offer,

Marvel at its petals if not,

or both if available in the bouquet.


Feel the friendly brace on your skin

by a leafy branch

as you rush past lost in thoughts,

It touches you to be present;

be with here and now.


Soak the sunshine,

Feel its warming smile on you,

It showers you with warmth

to take you out of the frozen cave.


Feel the kiss of breeze

on the pores of your skin,

It absorbs your tension.


Walk with naked feet,

Mother earth will caress your soles,

Like sponge,

She’ll draw out your agonies.


Feel the rain on you,

The drops will drum on your soul,

You’ll hear its cleansing music.


Look into the open sky,

The formation of colors, shapes,--

the shifting canvas of eternity,

It’ll teach you

to create without clinging.


Peer into the night sky;

into the galactic distances,

Receive the starry smiles

reaching you from millions of miles.


Rich man, you own the treasures,

You just need to acknowledge it.