Friday, November 8, 2024

Moment to moment magnificence


The moment is frozen

but it breathes,

Slowly its stillness moves

and gently leaks into air,

The eerie stalemate is broken.

Reality is just a

series of such moments,

Just like cinematography,--

a moving picture;

just snapshots of perception.

Thursday, November 7, 2024



How lucky I’m

even to stand amid my supposed

heap of miseries—on land,

It’s a treasure because tight now

someone is drowning—in water;

looking for a toehold

of land—dear earth,

It would be his treasure

just to stand on a garbage dump.


I might find this day drab and boring,

while someone would give all his wealth

to get another drab-most, boring-most day

—just a day.


How lucky I’m to live, breathe,

see, walk, touch, taste, feel,

while so many lose

their privilege to even these.


How lucky to have a home,

while so many go hunting

for a filthy corner

and put a plank, board, metal sheet,

lie under it

and call it home.


The clothes I wear,

the food I eat,

the people who love, care and smile at me;

even those who hate me

because they know me at least,

There are scores of those

who don’t have any of these.


I’m rich and lucky in being alive,

I hold a treasure,

What makes me see it?

It’s just ‘plain old’ gratitude,

The moment I lose it,

I lose everything,

Then I’m just a cribbing,

miserable, poor, suffering victim.


So my gratitude is my key

to the infinite luxury

and treasure I hold.


Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Bleached beings


Hate consumed love

and life’s colors got bleached,

Dreams got washed away,

Smiles died,

Colorless people

despite all the external coloration of

fashion, make-up, design,

vibrant exhibition and thoroughfare.

Classical beats of life


Lives crossing path

for a meaning,

Lives drifting apart,

Again for a meaning,

I suppose.

Unswerving dedication to hope


From the musty corners

darkness can creep into one’s mind,

Fight it if you will,

or you can.

If you can’t manage,

let it come;

but at least don’t allow

it to feed further on your hopes,

There will be a day

when the openness of clear sky,

freshness of forests,

brightness of sunrays,

smiles and smells of flowers

will also come rushing in,

Like crusaders to wipe away

the last traces of dark.

Standing on the official tower of misery

On the far edge of pain

hanging over a precipice,--

where one loses all hope,

One step more

and it’s all darkness,

Stand there on the edge,

Ponder over choices,

To fall is the easiest choice,

But isn’t the easy choice

a trap laid by death itself?

Sometimes it’s possible to go back

and walk into life’s embrace.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

अतीत के आईने से

 अतीत के आईने में आज झांका तो 24 साल पुराना अस्तित्व मुस्कराया दशकों की धूल के पीछे से। और कहा मुझे इसी शांति से जीते रहना ताकि मैं भी अपनी झलक तुम्हारे भविष्य में देख पाऊं अगर किसी दिन भविष्य के आईने में देखने का मेरा मन करे तो।