I can see that glow,
that joyous feminine flow,
I can feel that sense of fulfillment in you,
It’s a smile not to win
but of sweetly losing to
the force of creation
of which you are the carrier womb,
Serenity and acceptance seeping in you
as your stomach grows,
An acceptance of someone within you
to give it life
and nurture it with your own blood;
with love, smile and care,
Your eyes carry a deep contentment
despite all the pains and discomfort
you have to accept and welcome
to give a chance to a little life
to dance on the stage of creation,
You walk slowly and carefully;
the best steps you ever took;
each step measured and treasured,
You eat for her,
You feel for her,
You even avoid a tear for her sake,
You dream for her,
Your every cell is busy in its job for her,
Your slender, fabulous curves
melt under the heat of motherhood,
You joyfully abandon the prized and well-worked
standard statistics of your curvy figure,
The bigger is happier for her,
Slowly you change shape
and become a totally new person,--
for her, just for her,
You fly in your soul so that
she would be walking on her tiny feet,
You happily gain kilos
to give her a few extra grams,
You inhale happiness
so that she can feel its taste in you,
You walk through the tough field
of making a new life
with a selfless willingness,
This is the fulfillment in you
that you had been seeking for so long
while you stamped your caliber and authority
on the worldly stage,
You were exercising to take the
curve of your belly
to an inward feminine curvature
so that some day
you will let it loose
like a bow drawn tautly inwards
to unleash it with sweet, creative fury,--
the arrow of maternity,
The stomach drawn back with so much care
bursting forth with feminine force of creation,
There you launch your identity
to be a mother;
from a woman to be a mother,
A Goddess you look with your big belly,
Even lusty eyes have respect for you now
because you are carrying
a sacred baton of life now.