Sunday, June 23, 2024

Some soup of peace in a solitary bowl


Here I stand on the edge

of a stony ledge

and look into the calm vastness

filled in this small bowl

of a little valley,

There is guileless silence,

I look with enormous wonderment,

Here the knots and blots of

forbidden intimacies open up,

and twisted love becomes peace.

A little stream flows

with astounding fluidity,

The sun marveling at

its own exquisite, ripply reflection

in a little pool,

Silence and peace

hung between timidity and cordiality,

Languorous sky imbued with solemnity,

And a lone lark

keeping  a solitary vigilance

over this unruffled, calm and gentility

in a little corner

far away from all

noise, wars, tantrums and fights.

The cost of love


The foaming sea of memories

swashing on the

hot beach of my heart,

carrying infinite illusions

on the muleback,

Her beauty’s fireworks keeping alive

the youthful torrents of love

even in a greying head,

Caught in the throbs of love and longing,

Mired in endless suffocating tedium

following the ephemeral splendor,

sumptuous ceremonies

and celebrations of fresh love,

here I plod like a luckless ass

sinking into the quicksands of pain.

Aah, the barbarous vacillations of time!

My persona mined with pain

born of the love that was lost,

Misery pulling me with abominable longing,

I walk with faltering strides,

She is still there

as a mirage on the burning sands,

Smiling, drawing me further

into the barren innards of the desert,

where there is no water,

hope, flower or trees,

This is the cost

she still demands for our shared past.

Monday, June 17, 2024

The ruler of a prison


O thou poor mankind,

A king in deluxe imprisonment,

Reveling in entanglements of prejudices,

Enjoying conventions and their privileges,

Illegalities creeping in the shadows

of name and fame,

While mother nature

watching with silent fury

the child’s twisted innocence

and dominant frivolities,

His soul rusting due to routine,

The material self moving

with a firm, commanding step,

The fat hominid arrogance

smirking with malicious fullness,

Surrendered to splendid helplessness

and puerile amusement,--

A king indeed

who learnt to rule hell

after destroying all that

which was once heaven.

Far away from the maddening crowd


Far away from

tiresome illusions; 

the rancor and bitterness of

abundant moral rigidities;

where love’s crazy preambles

push one against the other

for mad passion leading to

loveless entanglements and relationships;

where the best plan can be

to gulp down humiliation

in a single swallow;

the dormant grief seeking exit

through illusionary pathways;

helpless, exhausted mind

ironing and re-ironing the past;

ensnared in custom’s captivity;

sickened souls infested with bugs of gloom;

ruled by the confidantes of whispering shadows;

the embittered paradise

with its wreckage of social weight;

where one ought to

learn to love practically and survive;

the ghosts of guilt

soaping and cleaning the dusted conscience;

where one’s always pursued

by an unknowable shadow

with its secret impulses of

tenacious longing,

catching one in a blinding flash of immaturity;

where what strikes as love

is usually an assemblage of conveniences—

name, fame, home, hearth, security and wealth;

where the mistress of fate

rules with fantasies of sin and whispers,

‘You can be happy in love many times’;

Where the custom of normal love

is simply for routine use;

where dreams are always shifting away

from the zone of possibility.


Away from all this

wreckage of social weight,

Away from the

cuffs and collars of pretensions,

Here in this restorative solitude,

The seed of joy sprouting

from the mystery-shrouded soil,

Here I feel love without lies,

Here fears reconcile to refreshed vitality

and the soul feels pure love,--

the one primary love

that is immune to all contagions.


Monday, June 10, 2024

A portrait of love


She thought she’d found an exotic bird,

All past disappointments blurred,

Love adopted a new word,

Joyfully her female self stirred,

But alas he turned out to be a nerd

deeply absorbed in black and white;

carried just a quite light,

It was no rainbow bright,

The prince of her dreams out of sight,

Again a restless night

after that free float and frolicking flight,

Vanished that fresh delight

when arrived the repackaged love,

The bruised self coming to life with fresh shove,

It was but the same hand

in a different glove.


There she stood with her broken dreams,

Shorn of newfound themes,

Trashed were all schemes,

Dry went the ripply streams.


Back to the same self,

Again the same painful yelp.


But was it his fault

if her feminine fancy hit the vault

and soul absorbed in new exalt?

Fault wasn’t on his part,

Like hers it was similar heart

passionate about some art,

But looking for a new start

she assumed him to be high, apart

and extremely smart.

He was just the same,

Like anyone for blame

or simple, common acclaim,

But the unmet dreams in her eyes

filled up the colors of fame

in his empty and simple canvas.


He was just a creation of her own,

A normal man put on illustrious throne,

He was no king

to whom her creation could cling

and joyfully sing

the ever-fresh love song,

And before long

she realized something was wrong

because missing was heart’s gong,

She saw the reality with sad eyes

and read many lies

that her colorful dreams had told,--

As gold stones were sold.


Whose fault is this?

Whom to blame for the miss?

Who couldn’t sustain the bliss

of the fresh love’s kiss?

Is it the man for being the cast

spread where her dreams vast?

Is it the woman who cast colors her own

with her spirit all excitedly flown?

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Gift by a passing cloud


Such killer June heat,

Sun greedy for a new fiery feat,

The wind doth burn,

Almost melting the fern.

A little swab of cloud

pitied life caught in smoldering shroud,

Thundered and struck a lightning note,

With its little waters it fought

a small garden’s thirst and pain,

Aha, a brief spell of rain

on a sunlit noon,

An unexpected boon,

Godsent sprinkle of water on a face

withering without moisture’s brace.

The cloud is very small,

But showers its waters all

and wets a little garden and its sunburnt flowers,

Bathes them with blessing showers.

As a cloud tiny

it may not make it all rainy

for all the land

and salvage the burning sand,

But it knows its duty

to the sun-singed beauty

in the yard

of a small-time bard,

It’s beautiful to see

a little rain among noon’s full glee,

The little cloud knows

it can’t thwart the fiery blows

to kill the fire,

but it can sire

optimism and raise hope

with its brief watery mope,

It drops a little message

with its brief watery passage

that I’m here for you,

Good times will come with night’s dew,

And the soil

writhing with pain and on boil

dances with life

among the fiery onslaught and strife,

Comes it back to life,

Its joy one can smell

even in this burning hell.

A small journeyman cloud

makes the entire sky proud

with its brief downpour on a sunlit noon

when the heat is at its peak in June,

And a poet in his small wet garden,

Joyful over this tiny divine pardon,

Soaks in the beauty of raindrops

and forgets life’s flops.

Moved on the cloud small

after giving its waters all,

After a thundering greeting it left

with airy dives deft.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The sage dispelling haze


Lynched by life’s rage,

All puzzled, shaky

and in the grip of debilitating daze,

I run around

and seek the help of a sage

living in a hut in the hills,

where many throng to get spiritual pills

after failures with materialistic bills.

The ascetic is all joy,

Says, come my beaten, bruised boy,

I tell him the story of my woes,

Show the empty rows

where I planted loving, caring seeds,

But ‘their’—the others—unfaithful deeds

undid my loving labor’s creeds.

Seeing me all lost,

smiled the kind host,

Gently he took me to a place,

Aha, paradise in full embrace,

Such a heavenly brace,

Trees, hills and sky’s blue,--

Nature’s pristine hue,

The beauty was spread out there

like an otherworldly layer,

Joyfully lit my eyes

far away from painful cries.

Then he pinched my earlobe,

Winced I with pain and sob,

The beauty instantly vanished,

All joy banished,

Though it was there still,

But I lost it due to my bitter pill.

Says the kindly sage,

dispelling my illusions and haze:

Other people and situations just are

as they are here and far,

We are primarily at war

with our self own,

The seeds that are sown

within our own self

decide fruits, crops and pelf.

Gently reminds me the sage,

softly turning wisdom’s page,

Long before others cause us pain,

the prickly seed has already lain

within us for a long time,

The externals merely chime

with the seed’s potential prime,

How will you get sweetness from a lime?