A gloomy grey dawn with shades deep,
All silence except the lonely katydid
who still kept its hopes alive for a mate
through its unhurried breep breep.
The sky hung spent,
Looking forlorn with languorous bent,
Discharmed after overexerting itself in
breaking September rain record,
The earth below soaked full
and lay sleepy like an overfed bull.
No rockchats for their pre-dawn birdy chatter,
Things are always supposed to be better,
Then the faint traces of a new day
filtered across the clouds with a new ray.
A handsome oriental magpie Robin
took over the chorus from the tired katydid
and the dandy black and white bird's
teasing, naughty chitter broke the ice.
Instantly a couple of peacocks gave gruffy hoots,
A crow cawed,
A dove sent its docile notes,
A white wagtail chipped in,
A few sparrows gossiped across the branches.
The morning chorus singers
increased in number and variety,
It's the birds who announce
a new day most beautifully,
Listen to their announcement,
They always seem wishing you
the best of a morning!