The lonely star twinkles for me,
Shining still brighter than the full moon,
Full hearted in the cold, milky sky,
While others sleep to the moon’s lullaby.
It casts pointed, long shafts of arrows,
Over chilly, rounded, moonlit landscape,
Engraving rays play filigree
with the ghosts loathing light, but out now!
Meanwhile, ogles this world just the beauty ‘round’;
Encircling lewd stupidity,
Destined to beat the same path,
The same journey and its similar vanity.
I welcome the winks from the
fluctuating one, whose needly rays venture into
the deepest corners of the heart;
Ditches, ravines unfortunate,
where the round beauty’s shower reaches never,
So they also smile as fairy rings,
Like prosperous moonlit palaces;
Caper and pearl in abalone come to life,
As its pointed rays caress the prickles
and seep through the entrance narrow.
Needle away the fear in a nest,
As parents return not and the nestlings huddle;
Peep through the thatched roof,
Help the feeble lamp inside,
Battle then the corners dark;
Streak into the narrowest gorges in minds,
where luxurious moony rays reach never,
Star, thou light up
far more than we ever believe.