Thursday, January 26, 2023

Little Morning Star


Little houri! When I saw

Thou for the first,—

Morning star in the horizon east,

Fought which night's awe,

To change my morning's law.

And there I was standing wonderstruck,

Pondering, now when sky has been recast,

Dost this new star takes row

To shine for me during the day?

Sun's light I have'd enough,

What dost this new celestial angel creates?

There I was cajoling my new ray,

The lips parted for a laugh;

O my ears, what heaven narrates?

The Immortal Eating Mortality


Death, when thou'll come,

I don't know how'd I feel,

O thou destroyer of life's zeal,

Thou keep perfect mum,

So many noises fall upon thy ears dumb,

Thus, nobody knows how to deal

With the deaf host gulping last meal;

Listening not to prayers and Godly hymn.


O thou majestic unknown hunter,

So certain is thy grip on the prey

That lifelong we prepare ourselves as food thine,

And thou quickly saunter

Over the eyes with last ray,

Death, how you'd stamp mortality mine?

Puzzled Summer


Wispy summer bides a hesitating bye,

As nature's law forces exile

To the other hemisphere, along Nile,

Awaits which eagerly hot fairy's sigh,

That tropical ever-greenery doth wry

Over the cool lover gone vile;—

Makest love too much in spring's guile,

Over-bred, she calls thou with a cry.


Thou but autumn-stricken here:

Pine for these dew rainy nights

Over the winter flowers already sown,

Like a mother thou fear

Warmly for children left alone in cold's delights,

And with a fleecy sob thou moan.

Ode to the Autumn


Autumn, thou stand betwix

The summer and the winter,

Still, like divinity thou mix

Contradictions: The soul and the matter.


Summer still warms during the day,

As, takes it paddy to its youth,

Winter too sneaks in after the sun's last ray,—

Dew almost rains to water their mouth.


Summer's last ripening and windfall;

Last gift to that lonely little lass,

Looking eagerly into some tree tall,

'What'd I offer', the winter guess.


Autumn, thou save that farmer from weather bite,

Which the two extremities try to force by fight.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Moony Mother's Light


Look how the night milks

The whole landscape spread infantly,

Like a mother breastfeeding her child gently,

And everything hazy eyed by winy maternal sips,

Vow! O moony night thy motherly lips

Kiss the sleepy panorama; the mother saintly

Strokes everything lying in her lap faintly,

O sleepless mother thy head never trips!


Look how whitish the love bathes the shadows!

Aura such that even ghosts seem friendly,

What fear has to do near love such,

Thus, every soul opens all its windows,

So that mother's light enter grandly,

And still she never finds it too much!

A Newborn in a Himalayan Cave


A sanyasi in the cave,

Where the Himalayas pave

The highest path; stony silence rave

Rhymes musical, as Ganga brave

Boulders, which gave

Into the ascetic wave.


And his beard grows

Like the flora unchecked across

The edgy vale; happy of course:

Who lovest not cravings loss?

And there sits the man; legs cross,

Static they forget dashy furrows.


The rain when drips

Through the roof, perhaps to frisk

The human through trips,

Urvashi but fails in its tricks,

Him, the stone, Ganga's monotony grips,

For billion faiths, prayer only lips.


Comes when the sun,

Or the day at its final run,

He perceives not the job done,

And the fauna making fun

Leaves him as if none,

Who knows? Maybe with some pun!


This child in mighty father's womb,

His soul chants 'Om. Om. Om................'

Delivered once by mom,

Now the second through father's dome

To a world ebriated with Som.

And where souls freely roam.

Rhyme's Crime


Aah, the era of hard talk!

Each and everybody vies for

The worldly stretch across the pages,

Depict which paged humanity;

Words, only words, queuing

Along the social misdeeds,

Still, each counts for millions!

Alas! The soft talk;

The words which lit up

Invisible illumination over superficiality,

The language which only

A flower can sense,

So few words!

Still, saying the epic tale

Of humanity's glory,

But, they fetch nothing.

Perhaps, the soft talkers have

The sixth sense,

Enables which the common five

To mix up and come out

As an apostle of reality,

Understands which nobody.


Why then a bard should create a rhyme,

If all dump it as an economic crime?