A sanyasi in the cave,
Where the Himalayas pave
The highest path; stony silence rave
Rhymes musical, as Ganga brave
Boulders, which gave
Into the ascetic wave.
And his beard grows
Like the flora unchecked across
The edgy vale; happy of course:
Who lovest not cravings loss?
And there sits the man; legs cross,
Static they forget dashy furrows.
The rain when drips
Through the roof, perhaps to frisk
The human through trips,
Urvashi but fails in its tricks,
Him, the stone, Ganga's monotony grips,
For billion faiths, prayer only lips.
Comes when the sun,
Or the day at its final run,
He perceives not the job done,
And the fauna making fun
Leaves him as if none,
Who knows? Maybe with some pun!
This child in mighty father's womb,
His soul chants 'Om. Om. Om................'
Delivered once by mom,
Now the second through father's dome
To a world ebriated with Som.
And where souls freely roam.