The old man and the night,
Both of them lie
His life fading
out of sight,
Cough, meanwhile,
doth a serious shake.
Lost out dark
world around,
Times ago he was
The soul when got
Old, old! Now it
is other world-lorn.
Night is his
companion now,
The day too hectic
and bright,
So many of them
swiftly passed, how?
Now the night
comes, fades as the sight.
The night tries to
bring sleep,
O mother, child
sleepless for too long,
Time may come for
a slumber deep,
And motherly it
whispers a song.
Too much hurried
was the day,
While the night
has much patience,
The day only for
the hair’s grey,
The night doth die
it black in silence.
The old man and
his old mother,
Thus, stand by
each other,
Stepmother will
come with sunrise,
How will then cope
the sun wise?