Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Hero


What if a man’s might

Beats destiny’s delight?

Like the aerolite,

In a cold dreary night,

Gives the brightest fight,

For the sake of light,

O the never ending aerolite!

Always too bright,

Defeating fate’s sight,

Escaping its play site,

Where nothing holds tight,

And all fateless in their own right,

Paying a blissful rite,

To the destiny gone quiet,

Yes! There are some kites,

Which reach such heights,

Not to fall for earthly delights.

Friday, September 2, 2022



God! Here and now I surrender before thee,

Let fate onwards be

At war with the prime deity,

Let it draw all arrows from its kitty.


Surrender to the nectarine form,

God! Brave now thee, thy own norm,

For I have lost the battle,

And leave war for you to settle.


I bow before thy supreme grace,

As defeat proudly brace

The low held head,

While, all willpower gone dead.


Too loudly the victorious conchs blare,

And the defeated, wounded can’t dare

To touch the weapons in dust lying,

For, winner’s fatal most arrow still eyeing.


So many efforts butchered this macabre,

Aah! The annihilator with its tabor,

Its ghastly, nasty dance,

Gives me not the singlest chance.


God! Now I lie at thy feet,

And see how thou beat

Someone who fought so valiantly,

Fell then down silently.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Processing of Greatness


A fluty wail from the well of woe,

With angels playing harp softly above,

Dumb music from this most tragic tragedy,

Go on, Go on! Crown of mercy too greedy.


The tragic, saddened heart,

Where the lamp of longest pain burn,

Its light reaching transcendental eye,

And the oil of fallacy saying smoky bye.


Aah the ways of destiny!

Who can understand its allegory?

Why doth purest affection of human soul,

Gets crushed for the purest emblem of the whole?


Too far is heaven’s corbel!

There sanctified souls dwell,

They sing, go to tragedy’s depth,

For, without pain’s awake, no one ever slept,


Perhaps, too vivid is pleasure after a long pain;

Golden glow of morning after night’s rain,

The pure star in clearest sky,

After worst elements, now shining high!

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Music in Solitude


He just went on a long journey,

Which the soul lit up,

While, the matter’s stern pride

Trying to stave off the fighter.


With his great heart glowing;

The living fountain of light,

Went on fighting the darkness,–

Heavenly luminary kindled this lamp!


Sacred mystery giving him safe passage,

From that bottom of appearance;

The sorrow-stricken bearance,

Aha, nobler destiny awaits somewhere!


The musical journey!

Music of word, heart and nature,

For that fountain of splendour,

Gushing heavenly at the infinity’s fringe.


Traveller himself amuser and the amused,

Such is the inward symmetry,

His rhythmic footsteps with a song,

While, divinity sways to his tune.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022



In the calm core of my wind-lashed, stormed self,

some unmovable shadow defines the substance of my being.

I but have been running miles after miles,

chasing mirages to find my identity.


Expansion and contraction

A raindrop in the ocean,

and a balloon in the air,

One mixing with the whole

to become complete and happily spread out,

The other capturing a part of the hole

to egotistically confine for a specific, limited self.



Doves in Love


Dove in love.

Impatient he.

Teasing she.

Airy swirls.

Hugging frills.

Breeze free.

Passionate spree.

Almost a fight.

Soul's delight.





Monday, August 29, 2022

Deep, Deep! Water Exists Somewhere


He went on digging a well,

With his spirit valorous,

Deep, deep! For success smell,

His battle-song like divine chorus

Waxed the belief to most solid state,

Only to such heroes, God’s emblems relate.


The water at unfathomable depth,

Still, hardest effort’s divine force,

Kept him going and he never dejectedly slept,

Far, far! Soft light’s mild source

Kept up this cloud-light’s thunderous spark,

Vow, puritan at war with the dark!


Fighting he was from the God’s side,

Against devil trying belief’s downfall,

On his brave back Godhood ride,

Like an awful radiant ball,

To reach the goal, piercing earth,

And play with deepest water in mirth.


Volcanically he went,

Cleansing earth almost spiritually,

Digging, digging with back bent,

To reach water, somewhere gushing fully,

O thou free roaming soul,

For how long could escape thy goal?