Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Princess

Many-many full moons ago,
There was a beautiful princess
in a tiny, paradisiacal hill state,
Surrounded by nature's blooms great
her beauty was ever-touching new scales,
Nature spread across far-flung wild trails
sang songs of her majestic beauty,
Slowly-slowly it did its duty
to spread around the tales of her charms,
For miles and miles
her fame could measure distance in arms,
Reached it the ears of a prince far,
whose kingdom had'n at war
with her father's,
And lo! Enough bravado this prince gathers
to set out to look at that famed face,
Seemed he then a futile chaser
running after destiny in a tragic race,
Lovely wild flowers kept on giving her trace,
Untamed breeze came to brace
his young heart and brave, soldierly chest,
Moved he ahead without rest,
After months-long sufferings in the ravines,
he found himself where her star shines,
Wandered he in her kingdom in impersonation,
for so antagonistic was the air in this nation.
Her fame spread more from the mouth's word,
Too precious was this bird
to be ogled by too many eyes,
So desperately he tries
to give solace to his aching eyes,
His pining heart gave suffering, cold sighs,
Then chance showered its bloom
and gone was his heart's gloom,
It was a full moon night
and moon was lit at its fairest bright,
The princess went for a boat ride
in the marvelously calm lake,
His heart shook with a thunderous heart-quake
as he stealthily waited in the shoreline foliage,
Every passing moment gave a new courage,
He was just above
the princess' safe, secret bathing ghat of marble sleek,
This white monument gleamed
exotically in the panorama bleak,
Arrived her boat then with her giggling maidens,
His heart was now achingly struggling
against his broad chest,
In filigreed finery she was dressed,
In silent majesty she put her adorable feet
on the gleaming, cool facade by the waterside,
Waves rippled through him with a coquettish chide,
Her hallowed figure glowed distinctly
among her helping ladies,
And before he could think anything,
stony become his whole being,
Her finery no longer covered
her exquisitively carved flesh curves,
That naked fairy jammed his nerves,
That statuesque glow of marble on her skin soft,--
Aha that real life sculpture of
utmost sensuality and symmetry aloft!
Moon-rays deflected off her curves
and panting, pining reached his eyes,
Every moment her moon-sculpted body
acquired new vistas and highs,
Her flowing tresses on her naked back
lustily shook to her head's gentle gyrations,
He couldn't see her face clearly,
but he heard word spoken with mythic softness,
He was, but, dying to see her face,
so closer and closer he came
to fulfill his young heart's only aim,
Alas! He was noticed by her female arm-guards,
Quickly their masculined arms hissed,
Surrounded by trained females
he'd decent chances of escape through a fight,
But how could he blot this night
by testing against females his skill,
Strong ladies advanced on him
with the chances to kill,
Caught he was in this way,
When the next sun came with its curious ray,
his misadventure's word got around,
Shook then her father's throne's ground.
It was the enemy's unforgivable crime,
So sentenced he was to death at his youth's prime,
But kingdoms have inviolable laws,
so his royal blood deserved
the fulfillment of a last wish,
Then how could he miss
the last chance to see her face,
So request he an eye-full brace
of her magical features,
God! Why thou create such bewitching creatures?
He was thus led to the courtyard
below her balcony ornate,
Her sad eyes looked at him without any hate,
The prince too was no less on handsome scale,
On his perfect features a smile loomed pale,
The princess knew that her face had'n the bait,
which could soon seal this life's fate,
Thus fell she at her father's feet
with an utmost, painful entreat,
'Father it was no fault of his,
but is all due to my well-thought kiss,
Stranger this prince is not,
for your daughter secretively tied the knot,
And if you kill him
sorrows and sins would cross ocean's brim,
A father would widow his daughter,
For ages known will be this slaughter,
And if thou still send him to gallows,
certaily another death bellows'.
How could the King let this
darling flower wither away!
So smiled on many fates a new ray,
They were ceremoniously married,
Decades-old animosity was buried,
What beautiful outcome of her wise, petalous step,--
For herself marital bliss
and for two states a friendly kiss!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Sage

Many-many years ago,
A sage was meditating
on a Himalayan peak,
Majestic dales and solitary vales
around all aglow with divine streak,
Though the bird chirped songs
and rain poured down in throngs;
In winters, icy cold storms blew
and snow around and over him glew;
In autumn wind-fallen leaves
sailed down with slumberous tumble,
and fruits ripe fell proudly,
adventurously for a juicy pleasant crumble;
In spring, wild flowers fully unfurled
their fragrance and smile,
and honey-bees engaged in
down-to-dusk toil;
Summer’s warm days sprayed
Desultory, eerie uneasiness around,
And cool nights proudly embraced
this son with soul heaven-bound,
But he never changed
from his meditative path.
Then on an autumn full-moon night,
A fairy was flying amid milky delight,
Her maidenly circles in air
found the seer in sight,
But even her laughter
and the rustle of her
unbelievably soft dress failed to
break the spell of engrossed sage,
His exquisitely masculine physique and personage,
Created tempted sparks on her magic stick,
She tried all juicily leering feminal trick,
But her desire-lorn curves in air
Brought only pearly tears in those eyes fair,
Helplessly she came down,
and sat in front of him
with those rose-red lips pursed in a
heart-breaking frown,
 Her nymphatic eyes were lost
in the handsome sculptural face,
 On it there was not a single worldly trace,
She lost the sense of night’s flight!
Next day!
The sun rose with full earthly delight,
Her eyes ogled at it terrified,
The hope to return to her realm died,
She’d broken the law of her place,
by not returning the same night
after that brief terrestrial, nocturnal brace,
The realization crashed at her
like a thunderbolt!
Her utmostly sensuous bare shoulders
heaved under the tremors of this fault,
A heart-rending shriek escaped her throat,
And serenely flowing meditative phase
met this sinful, fullstopping dot,
His communion with the divinity broken,
and his aeonically closed eyes opened,
Even flaura-fauna realized
something terrible had happened,
His fiercely burning eyes
stared at the petalous flower in sobs and sighs,
Her large flooded eyes pleaded for mercy,
But fire in his eyes was unforgivingly cursey,
His fabric of serenity was torn,
He thundered,
‘Become an ugly bush of thorn!’
Mowed down by the spell off his cursing energy,
an ugly bush stood in place of those
beautiful limbs that kissed the air,
All shaken and ravaged he left the place,
A thorn branch, meanwhile, got entangled
on his loin cloth
as if for some meek, pleading brace.
He but scornfully jerked it apart,
and headed to some other place
for a new start,
Seasons then changed,
Spring’s colorful patterns were rearranged;
Summer’s warm kisses melted the snows;
Autumn’s harvest fell to the air’s chiding blows;
Winter’s snowy blanket covered the peaks;
Rains lashed down in stormy freaks,
But this pleasant wavering of nature
couldn’t shake the sage
from his meditative maze,
There faraway down hills,
The accursed bush
shrouded in thorny haze,
 struggled to sprout fruits and flowers
How can something having a fairy core
remain thorny and ugly for too long?
Her beautiful soul entombed
In that thorny shrine prayed and penance,
Lo! A flower of her fruits sprout forth,
It was the day when the enlightened sage
arrived there from the north,
Contended with his cosmic realization
he came down the beautiful dale,
Passed as he that bush, his purified soul
sensed the shrub’s throaty wail,
His feet disobeyed him anf didn’t move,
The flower fell at his feet,
in holy-most obeisance and greet,
He picked it up
and was lost in its beautiful smell,
What contradiction! Both exist together:
Flowery heaven and the thorny hell,
The latter due to his cursing condemnation,
The flower due to the beauty behind thorny bars,
Nasty worldly realization it was!
Hadn’t he broken beautifully set laws?
He then penance at the altar for a long time,
His repenting self set around a reformative chime,
When his soul had’n salvaged off the sin,
Nobody could bet against her for a win.
There she blossomed out in front of him,
Beauty, charm and grace filled to the brim,
Her smile was forgetting and forgiving,
Inside the stony walls of his heart,
a new luminosity was now thriving,
And the elevated sage embraced her,
She who had’n separated from loved ones
got the earthling she had fallen for,
Happiness, bliss and calm opened new door
to the start of a new cycle of life, love and humanity.
 All but the sage had’n extinguished by cataclysm,
The lone and forlorn survivor, he had’n tonking
at the doors of heaven with his questions,
 Now they lived as a husband and wife,
New hopes, aspirations and offsprings
began to thrive!
Thus were sown the seeds of
another spell and cycle of life,
As their unchecked love in those
flowery vales left countless, exotic trails,
Gurgling brooks gave company to her
primordially sensuous laughter,
His instinct’s procreating sprouts
mingled in the mirthful waters of her receptiveness.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Platonic Love-making

These are the offsprings
of our platonic love-making,
I leave them in the
safe confines of your womb.
Nurture them!
Bear the pain of carrying
these restless, crying babies
inside your beautiful, safe self.
I am a weak father,
and you a strong mother,
You will need to
learn to be painless,
Because these burning babies of mine
are the angry fires
of their father's pyre.
The pyre in which the soft flesh
of heart burns days in and days out.
You have been making love on the
hellish bed of my pyre
in which my living self burns forever.
In the fiery cradle
you have to hatch these cubs
of a father gone to ashes.
You have to blossom
living flowers amidst this
smouldering heap of
bones, flesh and my soul!