Sunday, February 20, 2011

Friends and Foes

My time slips out of my pocket and takes vicious circles around me. Its horrible whizzing leaves me in a maddening frenzy. I run around and around to catch it. It leaves me dizzy...drunk....dead. I open my eyes to find it still buzzing around like a nasty bug. Well..I will definitely try to get my buddy time safely in my pocket.
Time now runs back...fastly in reverse mod. I run out of my present skin to catch up with it. Well both of us might crash into a muddy gutter. or worse into a bottomless well out of which it might b impossible to come out!
Well fall into a gutter any way...nd come out like fools...muddy...dirty. Grinning at each other. He blames me and I him. And then we fight. He is worth hi ba*** this time buddy of mine. Fool pinces me down where my nose has no business to be in..into a shit. I plead for mercy. He lets me go. Bt man see what you have done to me!
Man u r no longer my time, I say. I hve nvr been anybody's, the idiot beams. Bt I thought u were my buddy. Dnt cry red-nosed fool, he consoles wiping the shit off my face. Anyway I am nvr fools and weakling's friend. At the mst I can e a slave. I like strong masters not soft buddies. I am paranormal..those who lynch me most..i like the most.
Well this is a revelation man. Time u fool. now i give u what u deserve most. A hard punch..and that too on ur nose and make it meshed up even more than mine. I do the same...hard..bloody. It staggers falls down...gets up slowly.. embraces me nd says..oya man u r worth ur ba***.
Now we walk forward. Tired...dirty..shit nd blood on our faces. V can no longer run..only walk with failing strength. He supports me and I support him. Well forced to support each other. We hesitate...initially support each other with cold hearts. A fight is after all a fight takes time to forget bloody noses.
U fool why in the first place u escaped out of my pocket to run wild like this and that too in reverse mod. It grins...wiping blood and shit off its face...I put out my hanky with sympathy...It gets teary eyes. U were killing me man, it weeps. U were jst busy flaunting ur status that time is my best buddy and doing nothing in practice. So jst felt like giving u a hard run.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Stone and Dead Wood

The Stone and Dead Wood

Only a flower that has been allowed to blossom

knows the pleasures of caresses and kisses,

A stone but misses the breeze’s deft touches,

Into its hardened pores no raylet reaches,

Only a beautifully blossomed bough

adorned with new soots, saplings, leaves and flowers

dances to the air’s singing tune,

A dry twig is all but immune to the storm’s fury

and soft breeze’s flirtatious games.

I too now become a stone,

Put me in desert’s parched sand

and you will listen no moan,

Put me in the cosy confines of a luxurious room,

And you will hear no heart’s boom,

Because all the juices vanished

during those nights of gloom.

A stone is a stone, is a stone, is a stone,

It has got its solid, concrete, lifeless status alone,

Inside it the light never shone

and its ironed particles clumped inseparably and forlorn.

Now, I too become a stone,

So let the storm blow,

It but cannot beat me further low,

Or let there be spring around,

Let the blossoms all panorama surround,

It but cannot change my face,

On my stony, statued lips no smile’s trace,

A stone statue now I become,

Expressionless and eternally mum,

But the stone statue is not dead,

Even though no calamity’s fear

roaming inside its ahead ,

and no pleasant expectation imprinted

anywhere in those cold stormy eyes,

But life somewhere deep down in its

solid chambers impassively sighs!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Freedom Versus Responsibility

For the lovers of freedom, responsibilities sound as prison chains. Responsible people on the other hand find themselves squeezed in a tight corner by responsibilities which do not allow them to enjoy freedom. The question is: Are freedom and responsibility inherently contradictory in nature? Is it really possible to make them complementary to each other by melting the contradictory edges? 


For good people its very difficult to enter a relationship and still more difficult to come out of it! For bad people its very easy to get into a relationship and still easier to come out of it!